The purpose of this site is to serve as a way to show both online and real world topics that interest me. I originally had it running on WordPress.com, but due to life complications I had to shelve it for a few years.
Common topics you will find on this site include:
- Photography
- in terms of photographs I have taken around the world over the years,
- information about photography
- Military / Tactical information
- much of this will be news about interesting developments in the realm of Military or Tactical gear or happenings around the world,
- reviews of different pieces of gear that I have had the opportunity to test out,
- patches, both official and morale.
- Books
- Reviews about different books that might be or interest to others.
- Video Games
- Reviews of video games and related items (soundtracks, collectables, etc…).
- Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
- Posts about different ICT and Social Media in the news or their use.
Also, you will probably find an overlap between the various categories. For instance, a review of a book about a specific battle in Afghanistan that would fit into both Books and Tactical, or a collection of photographs from a military museum that would fit into both Photography and Tactical.
If you would like to contact me about anything you see on this site, feel free to leave a comment on the specific page or post, OR use the contact form below.
Thank you.
June 2015